Amy's Beat

Amy's Beat
I groove to the beat of my own drums!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You're kidding.............right?

GPS Sends Another Driver Onto Train Tracks of Doom
by Donald Melanson, posted Sep 30th 2008 at 1:43PM

We've seen some pretty extreme cases of excessive faith in GPS, but this may well be the first instance of the ill-advised practice nearly exactly repeating itself. As you may recall, earlier this year a Bedford Hills, New York man trusted his GPS so much that he apparently thought it was perfectly reasonable to follow the directions directly onto a set of train tracks. That didn't exactly work out so well, for his car or the oncoming train. Now, as The Journal News reports, another man followed his GPS onto the very same set of tracks last night and, while he did get out in time to make a surely embarrasing 911 call, that apparently wasn't enough to prevent a commuter train from slamming into the car a few minutes later, causing an hour and a half delay but, thankfully, no injuries. Maybe it's time for some signs?


Anonymous said...

Technology is the devil lol! I'm all for enjoying it, but it seems to have replaced some people's brains, like people who text while driving and people who cannot live without thier ipods in thier ears 24/7.

Jeremy said...

faith in technology beyond common sense is a dangerous place to be faith in the Lord beyond understanding is safe place to be isint it odd how we would rather feel safe and in controll and enter dangerous situations rather than letting go of the controll and follow God into the places He will go into with us.