Amy's Beat

Amy's Beat
I groove to the beat of my own drums!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Wow, how time goes by so fast. It is just over a month now that I will be heading back out to Guatemala. I am very excited about this trip. I am looking forward to spending time with Ashley. She is the young lady who I met when I went down there the first time. She is an American, who just turned 21 last week, and she has lived down there for 2 years now, and she is so on fire for God. Her passion is to spread the Word to all of the people down there who don't know about the love of Jesus yet. She is doing a wonderful job, and she is also very fun to be around. I plan to take as much clothing down there with me that I can, and she and I will go around to the places that have the most need, and give it out. I am also taking some Spanish Bibles with me to give out to those who need/want them. The last time I was there, we had a whole bunch of Bibles and they went so fast. Everyone wanted them. I wish I could take a whole bunch with me this time, but space is limited, and since I am going alone, there is only so much stuff one person is allowed to take, even when you are paying for the extra bags, they will only allow me to take 3 extras.

If anyone wants to help out, I am still in need of used clothing, that is still in good shape. I really need kids and teens sized clothing, boy and girls. I have adult male and female clothing and I have baby boy clothing but am lacking the inbetween sizes. If you have any that you want to donate, please let me know asap. I need to start packing the bags to see how much I will be able to take with me.

ALSO....some of you know about the REC that I worked back a few months ago. I was playing drums for the music team. Well, I just got a call today asking if I want to play drums for the next women's Emmaus Walk, which is in September. I said yes, and am very excited about playing drums for that. So, I will have a very busy next few months between getting ready and going to Guatemala, and practicing for and going to meetings for the Emmaus Walk, and then the weekend of the walk. But, it will all be exciting and I will enjoy spreading the joy of God!

By the way, if you want to see what kinds of stuff Ashley is doing in Guatemala, I have a link to her blog on mine. Just click on her name.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Coincidence? I don't think so....

For the past few days, Mike and I have had something weight on our hearts, and we needed to discuss an issue with someone. We had a couple of different ways we could go about this, but we were just not sure which way to go about it. I prayed about it over and over, and just really wanted to do the right thing. Mike and I were trying to think of someone who we trusted who we could talk to about it, without that person being really around here, and therefore potentially close to the situation, because it involved other people and we did not want to give any private information away. Mike mentioned that he thought we should call Pastor Steve, which was a good idea. Well, Monday afternoon, Mike and I were at Taco Bell in New Albany, and who did we run into? Pastor Steve and Mariana! They were just passing through the area on their way north to see their family, and they decided to stop at Taco Bell for a bite to eat. We were able to talk with them and they prayed with us regarding the situation, and we were all ready to do what we needed to do. We felt confident that we were going to handle it well, and we did. Coincedence? I don't think so..............answered prayer? Definately!

I have struggled with prayer somewhat in the last several months, so it was refreshing to see a prayer answered so blatantly and obviously.