Amy's Beat

Amy's Beat
I groove to the beat of my own drums!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, it's almost time for me to head south again. I will be leaving for Guatemala in less than two weeks, on September 1st. I will be flying down there and meeting up with Ashley, pictured above. I will be staying with her for the week. I will be taking with me over 200 pounds of clothing, as well as some Bibles and toys. She and I will go to the places where there is great need, and will be helping out the people, and in doing so, sharing the love of Jesus. Jesus has blessed me in so many ways, and I have such a desire to bless others in return.

Please pray for me as I travel down there, spend the week, and then travel back. Guatemala is no longer in civil war, but it can still be a volatile place at times. I also ask that you pray for my family while I am gone. I asked my mom if she is nervous when I go down there and she said yes, that they all are (my family). Please pray for them to have peace in knowing that I am there doing God's Work and He is watching over me.

Enjoy the pictures below from my last trip, and stay tuned for new pictures once I return.

This adorable boy lived in one of the small villages that I visited. We were handing out clothing there to the kids. They were so excited and happy to receive it.

This little one and his mom were very happy for our visit last time. They live in the Guatemalan Ghetto. This little guy was so happy to receive the soccer ball and the little toy he is holding in his hand.

This is a little boy who also lives in the ghetto. If he is not given the right guidance, he could end up getting into a gang as many of the boys and young men do in the ghetto. Hopefully with the help of those involved in the church, boys like this will be guided into God's "gang" before they get old enough to start looking for a place to fit in. Many are looking for a way to make money or just something to fulfill their lives, and end up in a gang, taking drugs and doing other things that give temporary fulfillment, but what they really need is Jesus Christ!

This is the Guatemalan Ghetto, also known as La Limonada. This is where I will be spending a lot of my time. Ashley is part of a church down here that is really growing and reaching out to young men and boys who are in gangs, and helping them to realize that there is a different "gang" they can be a part of that will give them everlasting fulfilment!

I got to meet this little guy last time I was in Guatemala. Isn't he just adorable?! He lives in the city dump with his family, as does the little boy two picures above. I hope to get back to the dump this time and hand out clothes for the families who call this place home. I also want to give these little ones some toys to play with. Many of them have probably never had toys, other than things they found in the dump to play with.


Jeremy said...

Jeremy said...

amy i think it awsome what you are doing have a great time be safe be Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I am so blessed just reading about your trip. God really used you last week to bless these wonderful people. I know Ashley is so grateful to people like you who share her passion. I will be praying God supplies an overwealming amount of money for beds for the people. My heart breaks for these families as I have seen how they live and sometimes just don't understand how God can give me so much and them so little. I am planning a team for next summer and so excited . It was so fun to travel with you in January.

Keri Ashley's mom