Just after I got home from Guatemala at the end of January, I got a call from a dear friend, the one who taught me how to play drums many years ago. He said that his wife was in charge of the music team for the upcoming R.E.C. and wanted to know if I wanted to play drums on the team. I immediately answered yes, because it was something that I had hoped to get to do one day.
The R.E.C. stands for Residents Encounter Christ (as you might have figured out based on the picture at the top of the page.) It is a 4 day weekend of a group of people going into a prision or jail, and teaching them about who Christ is, what He has done for them, and how they can have a relationship with Him. Or, for those residents who are already Christians, it is a chance to further their relationship with Him. It includes a large team of people. Some will give talks, some will be leaders of small groups of residents to guide discussion, some will be there just to care for any needs during the weekend, and some (us) will be there to lead them in times of praise and worship, and just plain fun with music! For those readers who might not know, I am a drummer, so I am the one on the team who gets to make all the noise!
The whole team has been working hard for this upcoming REC weekend, but things have not gone most smoothly. We were supposed to have one of our all day team meetings on the weekend of the big snow, so we had to reschedule that for last weekend. Being that it was Easter weekend, not everyone was able to attend. However, that was only a small thing.
The REC weekend was supposed to be on April 10-13th but since that is Thunder weekend, the captain at the jail postponed our visit because he said it will be too busy of a weekend, and they will have all of the officers out, and will be making a bunch of arrests probably and just don't have time to allow us in there. So, they rescheduled it...............for Derby Weekend!! We now have some of our workers that cannot make it because they cannot get off of work that weekend. We do have one woman who has Derby Tickets, and is going to give them up so she can work the REC! Now that is dedication! How awesome!
Anyway, I just hope and pray that our new scheduled date does not get cancelled once again, and that we are able to get into the jail. Not only because everyone has worked hard and prepared for this but because it is so important for the RESIDENTS TO ENCOUNTER CHRIST!!