Last weekend, some of the other youth coaches at church and myself took several of our teens from the youth group on a campout. We had an excellent time. We got there and set things up, and then played several rounds of dodgball. That was fun, as it had been years and years since I had played dodgeball! Then one of the teenagers, Rachel, taught us a game called human pinball. That might sound painful, but actually it was not bad at all. It is basically a different twist on dodgeball, and it is always cool to learn new games. After several rounds of dodgeball and human pinball, we changed it up, and got a game of kickball going on. Again, it had been years since I played, and it was fun. Of course, it made it even better that my team won. I think it was something like 10-14. I am still having fond memories of those games.......for the first three days after that, I was so sore I could hardly walk! And still now....a week later, I have a rather large, purple bruise on my left leg where Jeremy beaned me with the ball twice in the same spot! Thanks Jeremy for the fond reminder of the lovely time we had at the campout!
Most of the Thrive band was at the campout, so we all decided to bring our instruments, and we set them up in the barn there on the property. We had a good time jamming....just for fun on Saturday night, and then we put together a bit of a musical worship time for our Sunday morning church that we had out at the camp. That was quite enjoyable also. I even took my new guitar and got to play around on that and learn a few new things.
Saturday night and again on Sunday morning we played yet another new game...again, with Rachel leading the way. It is sort of a card game, and it is called Mafia. It would take forever to explain it on here, but just suffice it to say, it was a ton of fun. It is only the luck of the draw as to who is the Mafia for each game, but out of I believe 10 games, I was mafia at least 7 times! It was crazy! I had a good time though, and have already told several others about that game.
I could go on and on, but I am sure my readers are getting quite bored by now! So, I will say, the food was great...thanks Angelique, the Sunday morning worship and lesson time was nice....well I was kinda in charge of that, so of course I am going to say it was nice! It was indeed fun teaching out there in the open around the morning campfire though. Quite a difference from being in Sacred Grounds (our teen meeting spot at church). Listening to a varitey of teens and adults sing was........not too painful I supposed. haha! And just spending quality, uninterrupted time with some of the most wonderful teenagers around....priceless!